XtremeKurves.com is founded by innovative business woman Marquita Greathouse. XtremeKurves is known for quality waist trainer garments that cater to women of all sizes. The XtremeKurves waist trainers garment are proper aide to those starting or seeking guidance on their weight loss journey, which providing them with high compression garments can be worn underneath their clothes or during in the workout sessions. However so far there are hard to find the Xtreme Kurves waist trainer reviews, some known as shape wear or body shaper. So I wrote my feelings after worn about this Xtreme Kurves garments, while you guys can for reference.
First, I’ve to say that the design of Xtreme Kurves waist trainer is awesome. It’s a zippered waist trainer with an extra removable waistband, so that it helps in extra tight your waist and gives a high compression feel.
The quality of XK waist trainers are good, I feel comfortable when I was wearing while can feel there have strong heat stimulate my midsection. The products prices are considered expensive because the starting price starts at $70.
Above is the xtreme kurves waist trainer Instagram account and type hash-tags #xtremekurves if you wanted to find out all their post and information as well as reviews.
Summary the reasons what I like and don’t like about XK waist trainer:
- Its material is good.
- Its strong heat on midsection when I wearing it.
- Extra waistband can provide high compression on my waist.
- It makes me sweat more during workout.
Don’t Like:
- It price really expensive compare to other brands.
- Not recommend worn underneath because it too thick and obvious.
Note: I recommend that you read all the waist trainer reviews and waist training guide before deciding to purchase. In fact, there still have other best waist trainer besides of XK waist trainer. Why not consider other?
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